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Sunday, July 08, 2018

My "Breathing Space" Origins - Breathing Space Blog

Now and then people ask how I derived the title of my book, "Breathing Space."

One afternoon, I was speaking on the phone to a mentor and he mentioned that he needed to "get some breathing space." I wrote down those words.

The phrase became one of the powerful guiding forces in my life. From that conversation, I devised the Breathing Space Institute, wrote the book "Breathing Space," and have since given hundreds of lectures for audiences across the nation and around the world on managing the daily pace with grace, mastering information from any communication overload, and, of course, having more breathing space.

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Jeff Davidson, MBA, CMC, Executive Director -- Breathing Space Institute  © 2019
3202 Ruffin Street -- Raleigh, NC 27607-4024
Telephone 919-932-1996    E-Mail Jeff

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