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Friday, July 18, 2014

The Value of Rituals - Breathing Space Blog

In an ultra-hectic world, small daily rituals play an important part in everyone's life. For example, some people linger in the shower for several minutes, collecting their thoughts, letting the warm water pour over them, to gain a sense of satisfaction or even renewal. 

In the workplace, a ritual might entail setting the window blinds ‘just right,' clearing one's desk, and having all calls held before tackling a project. Teams at work might have breakfast or lunch together, or engage in five minutes of friendly banter before the beginning of a formal meeting. Rituals can serve as little breaks throughout the day to keep noise and distraction at bay.

Such positive rituals – automatic forms of behavior or activities – help to reduce stress because they effectively limit the array or options one might otherwise face.

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Jeff Davidson, MBA, CMC, Executive Director -- Breathing Space Institute  © 2019
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