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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Confronting the Noise - Breathing Space Blog

The city of Mount Dora, Florida, "may put a leash on frequent dog-barking," according to a feature written by Brad Buck of the Daily Commercial. "Under a proposed change in Mount Dora's noise ordinance, dogs won't be able to just keep barking and barking, creating a disturbance in a neighborhood."

"Mount Dora already prohibits dogs from barking for five minutes at a time. But under the revised ordinance, even if dogs bark for less than five minutes, their owners can be cited by the city if the dog barks for three periods in 24 hours. Such barking is considered a noise disturbance."

"If passed, residents can add barking dogs to noisy radios, TVs, musical instruments, loudspeakers, tape players, record players, power equipment and similar devices. Loudspeakers, public address systems or similar devices can be used at activities authorized by the city including parades and art festivals.

"Currently, the ordinance says dogs can bark for at most five minutes at a time or intermittently for at least 30 minutes. City staff starting changing the noise law after resident Monique Richardson told the council in August she was concerned about a new renter in her neighborhood that has a dog or dogs that bark at all hours."

My view: seems a bit draconian but what else can you do in a nation with well over 70,000, 000 dogs distributed among 110,000,000 households?

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